Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Small setback

After a great week of training last week, I was really looking forward to this week, my cutback week. I was ready for it, a week of slightly lower mileages gearing up for the big push to the finish. Apparently, my body was looking forward to this week as well...to get sick. I haven't been pushing myself that hard and I don't think that this is a symptom of overtraining at all, but it's a bit frustrating at this stage. I had a great ride on Saturday afternoon that I unfortunately followed with dinner and drinks out (and none of those drinks included water). I had hoped that when I was feeling bad all day Sunday that it was just due to that. No such luck unfortunately. It's Tuesday and my stomach is still grumpy with me and I don't know how much more ginger ale and dilute gatorade I can take. The really tough part is that outside of my stomach, I feel great. Yesterday I felt a lot of fatigue in my legs so I decided that after swimming, a day off was what I needed, but today, if it weren't for the bumping and jarring, I'd love to go for a run. It's really hard for me to listen to my body but I'm trying. And I'm also trying not to panic about how much time I'm losing this week. I know it's a cutback week but I still don't want to lose my momentum, particularly on the bike. But I know that getting worked up won't make me feel better any faster so I'm trying to utilize this as a good recovery, and hope that if I can get in one good ride and run this week, it won't be a total loss. Saltines anyone?


GoQuinnGo! said...

I am definitely not the authority on personal health & fitness. But, it seems to me your body is trying to tell you something. Slow down & take a breather. You'll catch up! Hope you feel better soon...


Rebecca DeWire said...

I think that you should disregard any goals of run/bike/swim miles this week and just focus on getting healthy. If this means a bunch of days off, then take them. I think you are better off getting healthy rather than trying to complete your scheduled workouts only to prolong your illness.