Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Triumphant return :)

Today I tackled the great outdoors and from all accounts, I won. It was my first run outside since December--the first time I could see over snowbanks, not have to run through slush, and not have to dress for the arctic. I was oddly nervous to head back outside but since I am a true nature girl, even I couldn't let my apprehension keep me inside on day like this (it's almost 60!). My apprehensions aren't that unusual I guess. Treadmills are safe and I can stop any time, they're springy so they go easy on my training legs, and most importantly, there are only hills if I want them. Anyone who's been to visit me knows I live in the foothills of the White Mountains so there is little flat to be had. And hills have always been my nemesis. Today I discovered that two months of training on a treadmill and a stationary bike have done something for me after all. I ran about 5.5 miles at an average pace of 8:27 and kicked ass on the one major climb I had. I even battled through a headwind, and ended up back at my car still smiling. I may not have been as light on my feet as I once was but I know I've also had far worse runs. All in all, a successful and positively reinforcing workout. And I got a congrats from Lance Armstrong at the end--gotta love Nike + iPod :)


Steph and Dan said...

We psych people are all about the positive reinforcement. Keep it up lady. Pretty soon you will be on the flat roads of Boston.

Rebecca DeWire said...

I am impressed at your pace considering the hills! You are doing awesome.

Scott DeWire said...

Nice run!

I tried that Lance MP3 thing from Powerbar once, but it was like 110 degrees out that day and I was tired to boot. By the end of the workout I was like "Shut the f*ck up Lance! It's hotter than the blazes of hell out here and I'm running and you're in a recording studio! Not fair!"